In this article I am trying to include 6 image formats we commonly use in computer, digital camera and similar devices.
JPEG is the short form of Joint Photographics Exports Group. There are many standards in JPEG. They are JFIF,Exif etc. JPEG/Exif are commonly used in digital cameras. JEPEG/JFIF are commonly seen in webs.
2. Exif
Exif is the short form of Exchangeable image format. They are to record data transfer between digital camera and editing or viewing software and standardize.
It is a file format used to store photographs and line arts. TIFF is the short form of Tagged Image File Format. They are commonly used in desktop publishing.
4. RAW
It is a raw image format in digital camera. Loss less compression is used in this. There is no standard for this, it varies with camera brands.
5. PNG
PNG is the short form of Portable Network Graphics. It is an open source successor of GIF file format. It is commonly used in web. They provide lossless compression. They support indexed alpha channel in addition to indexed color, grey scale etc.
6. GIF
GIF is the short form of graphics interchange format. It can be used in small animations also. They may be a sequence of images or frames which gives the effect of animation.
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